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Being on your lawn every 4-6 weeks is the best way for us to meet annual nutrient requirements at a pace which keeps the grass growing and able to use all the nutrients provided. It is imperative that the grass receives the necessary amount of nutrients to maintain overall plant health. Skipping fertilizer applications makes the grass more susceptible to damaging pests such as weeds, insects and disease. We aim to provide you with a resilient lawn that grows at a steady pace all season.
Our overseeding service is done to maintain the thickness of an already established lawn, therefore topsoil is not required. For areas that are very bare and in need of new grass we recommend our customers follow our lawn repair instructions found on our lawn care tips page.
Crabgrass is an undesirable annual grass which grows during the hot summer months. Unfortunately, our Fiesta weed control is not formulated to target crabgrass, as it is a type of grass like the rest of your lawn and we only have controls for broadleaf weeds. The best way to reduce crabgrass is to manually pull it once it starts to grow when the seedlings are small. Adequate watering will reduce soil temperatures and help prevent crabgrass from growing.
All our technicians are trained to start all applications in the backyard unless you have specified otherwise. If they are unable to service the backyard, they will reschedule the application once they are able to gain access. Our applications are thorough and efficient. We have GPS technology that shows us the path our technician takes across your property, ensuring all applications are thoroughly completed.
We spray for broadleaf weeds twice per year because the Ontario climate provides two windows of opportunity (spring and fall) where temperatures and conditions are ideal for maximum weed control results and reduce the potential for damage to the grass.
Moss is naturally occurring in areas with constant surface moisture, such as shaded areas, poorly draining areas, or sections of the lawn that receive too much water. There are no products we apply to control moss, but reducing moisture levels through monitoring and restricting irrigation can help reduce the spread of moss. An Aeration program will also help in these cases, as aeration allows for more effective surface drainage. Manually raking will reduce the amount of moss in these areas.
The price of our service depends on a number of factors. Our services are primarily priced based on the size and difficulty of your property. Annual cost varies greatly depending on the services that your program is made up of. If your neighbour pays a different amount, please understand there are many factors taken into account.
We have multiple trucks out on the road every day; sometimes we may have a truck in your area completing additional services that you are not scheduled to receive. If your technician usually calls you ahead the night before it is possible they simply haven’t had a chance to confirm their visit with you and will likely reach out over the following couple days. Our scheduling team also makes every effort to space out our visits so that your lawn has a chance to use all the nutrients delivered on the previous visit; it could be that your lawn just wasn’t ready for the next application.
Kelp is a micronutrient derived from seaweed that improves turf colour and makes for a heartier lawn. We add liquid kelp extract to select applications to increase the drought tolerance of the grass making for better resistance to both drought and heat stress.
Wild Violets are a broadleaf weed, as such our Fiesta weed control will reduce wild violet, but because of the hardiness and aggressive nature of wild violet we cannot guarantee full control.
Our grub/insect control application will help to reduce insect populations to a level which greatly reduces the potential for major damage. An annual application of our grub control remains the best way to protect your lawn from damaging insects.
It is important to understand that grubs are only susceptible to our products during a certain point in their lifecycle; when they are at an early enough stage in their development where we can provide adequate control. In Ontario this narrow window of opportunity usually present itself in mid-summer.
We are dedicated to servicing all our customers in a timely manner, to achieve this we stick to specific geographic routing which maximizes efficiency when it comes to scheduling and application timing. This does mean that some neighbourhoods are done before others, but please have faith that your lawn will be done at an appropriate time in appropriate conditions. Also remember that we offer many different products and services that are highly dependent on weather and seasonal progression; not everyone on your street is booked for the same program and services as you.
We do not spray for weeds during the hot summer months when temperatures are high, since the weeds are in a state of defense where they would not absorb our applications effectively enough to provide reasonable control. During these hot temperatures there is also a higher potential to harm the grass during the application due to the stress the grass is under from the higher temperatures. At a certain point in the season the limited weed control results simply are not worth the risk to the rest of the lawn.
Frequency of watering depends greatly on the specific conditions found on your property as well as the irrigation system you are using. As a general rule your lawn needs 1.5” of water each week; try to deliver this water infrequently to promote deeper root growth; see our maintenance tips section for more information.
We always suggest you mow the lawn at least once per week, at a height of 2.5”-3.5”. Mowing frequency will vary slightly depending on seasonal conditions. During cool and wet times of year the grass will exhibit more and faster growth. The goal of mowing should be to maintain a consistent turf height, as large fluctuations in turf height can greatly stress the lawn, especially in the summer months. See our maintenance tips for more details.
Our programs are designed to complement a weekly maintenance program and help take your lawn to the next level, but we do not provide weekly maintenance ourselves. If you would like guidance on getting your maintenance schedule dialed in, we’re happy to provide tips and recommendations on each visit. If you are looking for full gardening services give our office a call and we may have a referral for you.
We always recommend using a quality blend of seed such as our custom “Perfection” blend which is a mix of cool season turf species such as Kentucky Blue, Perennial Rye, and Fescue. This seed mix is available for delivery in 500g bags for any of your repair needs. When it comes to soil any quality topsoil will suffice, but we generally recommend a premium soil such as the “Fafard Viva Lawn Repair Mix” for best results.
Healthy, lush and well cared for lawns are not just for curb appeal. Turf areas provide many benefits; a well-watered lawn provides a cooling effect on a local area by releasing humidity into the air. A healthy growing lawn will also contribute to noise reduction, particularly in busy urban neighbourhoods. Well maintained turf provides a resilient and natural surface for all manner of outdoor activities and is an important element of any outdoor space.
Artificial turf removes living, breathing plant material from your property and replaces it with plastic. Astro Turf (as it’s often known) does not have any ability to absorb and use water, contributing to runoff and urban flooding issues. It does not provide the same cooling benefits as a properly irrigated lawn, nor does it provide the same soft and gentle surface for kids to play on.
The products we use are all approved by various levels of government for residential use, and when used as intended have negligible environmental impact. We recognize our industry and many of the products associated with it are seen as having a high environmental impact; as such our focus is on using the best products available in the most responsible way possible.
All of our products are safe for use on any residential lawn; that said, many product labels (such as our weed control) specify that kids and pets stay off the lawn until the application has thoroughly dried. Generally, we ask that you stay off the lawn for 2-3 hours to allow any liquid applications to dry.
We take payment online through our customer assistant website, over the phone, or by mail. We accept credit cards, e-transfer or cheque. If you would like to prepay for your season’s services, we offer a 10% discount if payment is received by the cutoff deadline.
We are a family owned and operated business that provides industry leading service and premium products. Trust, honesty and family are the foundations which we have built our business on; ask any of your neighbours who are customers (we’re sure you’ve seen our lawn flags on your street), we pride ourselves on making you all a part of our family!
Chinch Bugs are surface feeding insects which feed on the grass by sucking the nutrients out of the leaf blades. They are most active during summer months when temperatures are hot. Where the adult bugs drop their eggs determines where they feed so it is at times random and unpredictable where and why you may have them. Our grub & insect control will help reduce Chinch Bug populations to levels where major damage is prevented.
Yellow grass can be a sign of various potential issues such as drought stress (lack of water), insect/grub damage, or disease to name a few. It could also be something as simple as the lawn running out of nutrients and needing a boost from our fertilizer. If you are noticing yellowing grass, please let us know so our technicians can diagnose the issue and propose a solution.
Mushrooms are a good sign! When your soil is high in organic matter and microbial activity you may see mushrooms grow during certain times of the year. This is good news because your grass will thrive in nutrient dense soil. The mushrooms simply need to be raked out.